Friday, May 10, 2019

Races Cancelled Tonight in Britt / Thoughts About Rain Outs

Yesterday the plan of attack at the Hancock County Speedway was let it dry before getting equipment on the race track. They posted on the Facebook Page : We are getting a lot of messages asking if we are racing tomorrow. We will make a decision tonight based on drying today and the ability to get equipment on the track.

After discussion at the track last night, again posted with an update on Facebook : We just got done meeting with John @ the track. As of now the races are on. Will revisit the conditions tomorrow morning and go from there. Still VERY wet out there but John thinks there is a chance.

So move in to Friday morning the decision was made that they would be racing and anonymous sponsor increased the Modified Winner so the Speedway officials announced the Stock Cars winner would get some extra money too.

Unfortunately  after getting equipment on the track to get it ready to race tonight, it quickly came obviously that it was extremely softer than anticipated so because they did not want to tear up race cars the decision was made to cancel tonight.


Do I like the factor that the races are cancelled.....answer is no but do I appreciate the decision was made before I report to work yes I do. So thank you for making the decision at a decent so everybody can make different plans.


I always find it funny when race tracks cancel because of all the people either saying they should have cancelled last night or you could still go racing. Race tracks want to race more than you know but if you get tore up on the race track because of the track, you get mad and give the promoters an earful.

1) Cancelled LAST NIGHT, today you would be saying oh look its Sunny and nice outside.....the race track would've been able to work in nicely if you had just waited it out longer.

2) Cancelled EARLIER TODAY, why didn't you just cancel last night if you knew it couldn't be raced on since you need more drying conditions to help the track.

3) Cancelled after attempting to get on the track to get the track ready for the night.......Why didn't you just cancel last night or earlier today so we could make different plans?

Its a no win for the promoters when they have to make a difficult decision to cancel races instead of bad mouthing all over Social Media, thank them for making the decision, for perserving the track from ruts all year and for saving you money from getting tore up.

REMEMBER NO NEWS FROM A RACE TRACK IS GOOD instead of plugging their phones with calls or texts asking if they are racing you can bet if you don't see them post anything on Facebook, Twitter or Website they are racing.